COC - Cadillac Oil Company
COC stands for Cadillac Oil Company
Here you will find, what does COC stand for in Chemical under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Cadillac Oil Company? Cadillac Oil Company can be abbreviated as COC What does COC stand for? COC stands for Cadillac Oil Company. What does Cadillac Oil Company mean?The United States based company is located in Detroit, Michigan engaged in chemicals industry.
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Alternative definitions of COC
- Combined Oral Contraceptive
- Conoco, Inc.
- Cost Of Consumables
- Certificate of Compliance
- Council of Colonels
- Clerk Of The Course
- Code Of Conduct
- Chamber Of Commerce
View 165 other definitions of COC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CC The Cajun Cleaver
- CEC China Electronics Corporation
- CIPPCS Coney Island Preparatory Public Charter School
- CSL Country Side Living
- CPM Centrum Property Management
- CVEC Chula Vista Electric Co.
- CJHS Conway Junior High School
- CPDO Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
- CHCF Crossroads Hospice Charitable Foundation
- CPAI Clear Point Advisors Inc.
- CMS Coosa Middle School
- CHS Carlyle High School
- CSA Colorado Security Agency
- CLA Cannabis Licensing Authority
- CA The Courtyard Apartments
- CDI College Democrats of Illinois
- CCCL Crescent Cabinet Company Ltd.
- CGS The Coaching Group of Switzerland
- CLI Cellular Logistics Inc.
- CPI California Pictures Inc.